When I am afraid and can't find the strength to be brave, I look to You.
You made the sun, the moon, and the stars with a single breath. You made life and love and all things good. You made these things knowing we would mess them up. You loved us and helped us even though we blatantly disobeyed You. You showed us mercy when we turned our backs on You and hurt our brothers and sisters. You punished us as a parent disciplines a child. Our punishment was for our own good but at first we blamed You. We were angry. We disgraced Your name to spite You. Instead of destroying us like we deserved, You loved us and kept us safe. Once we got our act together and began to hope in You once again, You redeemed us. You brought us out of our oppression. You walked with us and guided us but we did not trust You. We questioned Your will and we complained constantly. You gave us rules and guidelines but we broke every one. We even worshipped other things instead of You. But still showed us grace and mercy. We deserved to die right where we stood but You fulfilled Your promises and still loved us. You gave us all we could ever need and want but that wasn't enough. We wanted to be like everyone else. We wanted a king. I'm sure it broke Your heart to know that we thought You were not enough for us. But You gave us what we thought we wanted. At first, it was good but over time, things started going very badly. We had turned away from You and our hearts were being clouded by darkness. Not for a moment, did You forsake us. You still loved us even though our hearts had turned away from You. Our sins began to pile up and we had rejected You completely. We felt like we didn't need You. Because we were so adamant that we did not need You and hated You, You left us to our own devices. We destroyed everything good in the world that You had made. But because You still loved us, You sent people to us to remind us about You and Your love. We laughed at them, mocked them, and even killed them. We rejected what they had to say about You. Eventually we realized they were right but it was too late. We prayed and begged for mercy but You were silent for hundreds of years. Then one night, You came to us in the form of a human. You were fully God and fully man. You taught us what was right and wrong, how to pray, how to live, and showed us what true love is. Some of us accepted You and followed You but many of us did not like You and even hated You. Your presence threatened their position of power and they sought to destroy You. They had decided to crucify You. In the process they mocked You, beat You, spit on You, and even caused those that believed in You to turn away. As You hung on the cross, only a few remained faithful to You. As You breathed Your last breath, only a few still believed in You. Three days after Your death, You rose again! You restored hope, love, and peace to our lives. Though many still rejected You, those that loved You began to tell of their experiences and many began to love and follow You. After You ascended into heaven, many still rejected You but there were those that waited anxiously for Your return. Although we are still waiting, we are reminded daily of all that You have done for us. There are those that still reject You and do harmful things to those that love You but we remain faithful because You are faithful. So when I am afraid, I remember that You have been brave from the moment You created life. When I can't see what You're doing in my life, I am reminded of Your faithfulness in my life. When bravery feels so far away from me, I remember of what You faced for me and trust that You will make me brave. Without You, I am a scared little girl. With You making me brave, I have the strength and bravery of Christ. You are the only thing that can make me brave. You are faithful. I will praise You for all of my days.
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Allison MozingoI am currently a teacher and life-long student of Scripture learning more about life and Jesus's marvelous love and boundless grace. Archives
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